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Exhale Deeply Meditation

An OSHO meditation from the Book of Secrets # 53

Exhale Deeply

An OSHO meditation from the Book of Secrets


With this exercise, a very deep relaxation will spread to your whole consciousness. All day long you feel relaxed and there is an inner silence.


Pay more attention to the exhale than the inhale. And if you really put all your attention on the exhale and forget to inhale ... don't be afraid that you will die; the body will take care of the inhalation. The body has its own wisdom: if you breathe out deeply, the body will breathe in deeply on its own.


Breathe out deeply for fifteen minutes a day. Sit in a chair or on the floor, take a deep breath. When you breathe out, close your eyes and go inward.


Then let the body breathe in again on its own. Wait until it comes naturally. When the air rushes into you, open your eyes and let your attention go outside again.


In short: when you breathe out, you go inward; when you breathe in, you go outside.


When you breathe out, there is space inside. When you breathe out deeply, you are empty, life is extinguished. In a way, you're dead, for a moment. In this silence go inside. Air flows out: you close your eyes and move inward.


When you breathe in, open your eyes and let your attention go outward.


  Create a rhythm between these two. Within fifteen minutes you will feel deeply relaxed.

Exhale Deeply Osho meditation

From Osho: The book of Secrets # 53

Another note:

Active mediation also has its limits and is not a substitute for therapy, psychological counseling or other therapeutic work. If you encounter emotional or energetic limits in active mediation, please seek competent help, for example in the context of individual sessions, with me or a therapist you trust.  

Nature my Goddess, gegründet von Aneesha C. Mueller, organisiert Natur Retreats, Schweigeseminare und Waldbaden im Bergischen Land, der Eifel & im Raum Köln & Bergisch Gladbach. Im Angebot sind Online-Meditation, OSHO Aktive Meditation, Waldbaden, Gesprächskreise und rituelle Auszeiten im Wald, als auch andere Onlineangebote wie TRE für Entspannung & Stressabbau via Zoom. OSHO Aktive Meditation hilft zum Selbstwertgefühl stärken, Vertrauen aufbauen, Stress bewältigen und zur Ruhe kommen und ist bestens geeignet als Meditation für Anfänger. Meditieren lernen lohnt sich, denn es schenkt Entspannung, Innere Ruhe, Frieden und Klarheit.
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