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Here you can find links to newspaper articles, scientific ones  Publications, videos and other sources of information on the subject of nature as a source of healing. 

English links

Magazine Articles


Scientific Research


  • PubMed Central® (PMC) - Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function:

  • PubMed Central® (PMC) - Effect of phytoncide from trees on human natural killer cell function:

  • International Society of Forest and Medicine, Japan - Various articles in Forest Medicine​

  • Science Advances - Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective:

  • Science Direct -  Exploring connections among nature, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health:

  • Archives of Psychiatric Nursing - Gardening on a psychiatric inpatient unit: Cultivating recovery:

Videos & Documentaries

  • A fantastic film- documentary by Qing Li, associate professor at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo and president of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine about the effect of phytoncide from trees on human natural killer cell function:

  • My FAVORITE YouTube Channel (no joke! I love 4WD's -  well, my inner man does 😉 . ):

  • A fantastic documentary by Qing Li, associate professor at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo and president of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine about how forest bathing can impact the increase of natural killer cells to fight cancer:

  • Forest Bathing | Shinrin-Yoku | Healing in Nature | Short Documentary:

  • A documentary about  Forests across India and how to find out the remarkable ways in which forests can heal our body, mind, and spirit.  Film Duration: 50 minutes |  Language: English

  • A documentary about Shinrin Yoku: The Art of Forest Bathing by an American filmmaker and his producer:


German links

Newspaper Articles & Books



Nature my Goddess, gegründet von Aneesha C. Mueller,  organisiert Waldbaden, Natur Retreats und Schweigeseminare im Bergischen Land, der Eifel & im Raum Köln & Bergisch Gladbach. Veranstaltungen wie Waldbaden, Gesprächskreise und rituelle Auszeiten im Wald, als auch Onlineangebote wie TRE für Entspannung & Stressabbau (körperorientierte Entspannungsübungen für effektive Stressbewältigung und Burnout Prävention) als Online-Training, sowie Bewusstseinsarbeit & Selbsterfahrung als Seminare mit dem Ziel, Selbstbestimmung zu fördern, indem wir unser Selbstwertgefühl stärken. Kostenlose Onlinemeditationen und Meditationstage runden das Programm ab.

Image taken in Japan & credit to

Wissenschaftl. Forschung
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