Nature my Goddess
Retreats, Shinrin Yoku & Meditation
Welcome to Nature my Goddess! And yes, " nature IS my goddess ", nature is my goddess, my temple. The place where I can relieve stress, gain distance and (again) recognize my meaning in life.
Many years ago I realized that inner peace is the first step from which world peace can emerge. And not just "can". I think everyone's inner peace is the prerequisite for world peace. My mission grew out of this. It is the basis of all of my work. To achieve real peace of mind.
Nature my Goddess is the platform on which I offer both nature retreats and day events such as forest bathing combined with nature rituals, nature coaching as a one-on-one session, online meditation and TRE (relaxation exercises) with precisely this goal. Learning to meditate and finding yourself again are important elements. Our offers are active burnout prevention and effective stress management - and one of the ways to your and my inner peace.
Our offer and of course nature as a source of strength should help you to come to rest enough that you can (re) recognize your own truth. It should help you to live your life according to your own rules. Support you if you let yourself be guided too much by others and place too much emphasis on the opinions of others. Teaching you to be true to yourself and to follow your own truth. Help you to BE fully yourself, autonomous and self-determined - AND at the same time in connection and love with others. We want to support you to find who you really are. To your core, your being. Easy to BE.
This is exactly why Nature my Goddess was created. It's not just about "hanging out" in nature. There is much more to it! Gaining clarity, strengthening your self-esteem and finding your inner guidance that lives in you so that you can go your own way full of strength. Your own path with a healthy dose of self-determination and yet in love and solidarity with your loved ones. That's what this is about.
Our seminars and events should help you to make the bridge from the outside to the inside, the divine in you, passable. This is about your personal transformation, not about putting on a band-aid.
T he nature is indeed the temple in which you can develop enough distance to your conditioning. Then you are free. Conditioning is what affects us and keeps us 'trapped'. But it's not who you really are. Many are satisfied with simply 'functioning' normally in their role. If you are happy with that, then you are in the wrong place. Nature my Goddess has the mission to "wake up" everyone who wants more. Are you ready to wake up
Then I look forward to seeing you at one of our retreats, swimming in the forest or one of our online meditations!
Until then, all love
My story
Welcome to my world. I've always felt at home in nature. From childhood she was my refuge, my safe haven. I have always known that nature loves me. Unconditionally. It was and is my house of God. Your presence has purified, comforted, protected me. And it helped me to go inside myself and discover myself.
My journey into my inner world began in 1999 with a trip to New Zealand. For me back then the epitome of untouched nature. I used a mountain bike as a means of transportation and rode 4 For months all over New Zealand. I slept in tents on designated campsites and in the front gardens of backpacker hostels. And sometimes I camped wild.
I drove a good 4,000 km across the whole country. What struck me the most was how easy life had become. There was nothing to be done. The factors that determined my daily rhythm were sleep, food, and the weather.
The trip had changed me. But not enough; I ended up in the same career again - even if I didn't really love the job. But I was good at it, I was successful. So I went back to my "old" life, I followed the dictates of society, I did what my parents thought was right, and I even had another career boost.
In early 2001 I moved to Sydney and a year later to Perth, Australia. To be more precise, to Fremantle, the port city of Perth. Fremantle became my home for the next 16 years. In the second year I bought a house! Yes, I even bought a house. I was advised on all sides because the market was good. Create, create, build house ... that was my parents' mantra too. This is what my parents and society thought was reasonable and right.
As soon as I moved in, I felt a dissonance inside of me. I didn't want to admit it for a long time. But in the end it took less than two years and I sold the house again. I couldn't stand being 'locked up' in my job so that I could pay the mortgage. I became more and more aware that I was not happy in my life. I've had it all, a career, professional success, reputation, a slim body, great friends. I had a company car, a company phone, a company laptop, and an assistant who was only there for me. I had a great house, a great car, a great man, a wonderful garden, the beach in front of the door. But I wasn't happy. Something was missing. I didn't know what. But it was clear to me: I just couldn't compromise anymore and do something that wasn't right for me.
In short, I quit my job, sold my house, and decided it was time to change something fundamental in my life. And then my journey inside got serious.
At first I was completely lost. I only knew one thing: I wanted to go out into nature. Over many years I was drawn into the wilderness again and again for months. I hiked the most breathtaking treks on this beautiful planet. I spent dozens of months in the Australian outback with my beloved Toyota Troopcarrier (Troopy). Alone. With me and existence. The big picture.
I've discovered more and more remote places in Australia, I've penetrated further and further into untouched areas. For many years I have explored the Australian Northwest, often for months. There came a point where I didn't even want to go to the national parks (too many people there). I'd rather go wild camping. And I did that wherever possible. It never let go of me. I love the wilderness. I love being alone, adventure, freedom, the simplicity of life in nature and the presence of God, clearly perceptible in the deserted landscape of the Australian outback.
Eventually my search brought me to India. I ended up in an ashram in Maharashtra (now called the meditation resort) without much detours. For 8 years I spent 6-8 months a year there. This slowly transformed my outer search into an inner 'sightseeing', an exploration, an inner finding.
Fast forward to 2018: I'm back in the country I was born in Germany, where life took me back to after a few metaphorical footsteps and a lot back and forth. Here I am, back in the Rhineland. And as soon as I arrive, my old conditioning has me firmly under control again. It seems like my life in English saved me from even realizing that old conditioning from my childhood. In the end, that was exactly why I left my home country in 1999. I finally wanted to be free of it.
Back in 1999, I was really not feeling well. Maybe you know that. A feeling of not making any progress, of not being really satisfied somehow, of constantly wondering whether you have made the right choice (whether you have chosen a career, a partner or whatever). Or feeling like you don't know what you want, confused, stuck, struggling to make decisions. Or the feeling of never being able to deal with what is piling up in front of you because it just keeps getting more and more? And then at the end of the day to have this feeling of dissatisfaction, frustration, exhaustion and the impression of having achieved next to nothing ...
Now I finally realize that these are all symptoms that occur when I am under the (unconscious) influence of my Inner Critic. The inner critic, or, to paraphrase Freud, the superego, is the internalized voice of parents, teachers, close relatives and ultimately of the society in which we grew up. The job of the Superego is to protect us and keep us 'on our feet' to ensure that we behave according to the rules of society. Nice and good. But the problem is that I, and maybe you too, have been led in the wrong direction many times and as a child, through pressure, threats and punishments, I was unable to develop the capacity to follow my own inner guidance. And I am probably not an isolated case.
But time-outs in nature help me over and over again to free myself from my super ego and to 'find' my 'true' inner guidance again. In the past, this was also allowed to be 3 months at a time. That was how long it took me to free myself from this inner prison. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible, because my inheritance has almost been used up. So poke it in, work. Create, create, build house. And that's exactly where my inner critic - Superego, in spite of all the inner work - still got me on sleeping little. This is my weak point, and my dear super ego uses it shamelessly.
And that's exactly why my own time out in nature is important to me. And that's why Nature my Goddess exists in the first place. In nature I feel free and carefree. This is what I have always longed for. But freedom does not (only) exist outside. I had to - and must again and again - become aware of how much I allow myself to be influenced by my inner critic and my conditioning and to be held 'captive'. It's invisible as long as I don't look very carefully. And many of us don't do that, but are content to simply 'function' in our normal role in society, in the family, in our job. But I wanted, and I still want, more! Much more!
But not just freedom! Being in nature helps me release my conditioning and connect with the endless clear sky within me. Then maybe I feel free. But it has also become important to me to feel and live this freedom in my everyday life. Because if I can also feel free in my normal life, grounded and present, so completely there in the here and now, then I can also flow and feel safe and secure. Then I am open. Authentic. Connected to me. Then I feel a deep connection, closeness and real contact with myself - AND with others. That's what is important to me. Love and freedom together. And I would like to pass that on!
Join me! Let's break free from the inner imprisonment! Freedom & Love awaits on the other side!
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Aneesha Christina Mueller
tel: +49 2202 868 9626
mobile: +49 152 23474177
for psychological counseling, relationship & couple counseling:
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The thing about spontaneity ... do you know that? What if something happens spontaneously and you haven't noticed? Here you can subscribe to our newsletter. Honestly? I'm not one of those people who constantly create content in order to write a great newsletter. But it's a great way to stay informed! Because at Nature my Goddess there are sometimes spontaneous events that only have a few days in advance. And if you want to be there, it is good if you are in the mailing list and you get the news about it😉.
Creating a connection with the wildness outside is a way of keeping the wildness within alive.
~ People of Lapland