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The outdoor retreat

Die Natur in Dir - Ein spirituelles Retreat in der Natur

The outside retreat
The nature in you

September 4-7, 2022




An all-round "outside" retreat for your transformation.  

Enough of everything? Do you need a break Just dive in. Come back to yourself. Regaining self-determination. Find clarity.  


Uncertainty has shaped us over the past few months. Constant changes. Don't know what's coming. The old is no longer bearing, the new is not yet tangible.  


An important intention of this retreat is that the feeling of repressing feelings is allowed to stop. We as a society are so trained to function. Just don't feel. But that's exactly what we want to give space to. Space to be. Space to feel. Space to relax.  


Our socialization through upbringing, school, friends and culture means that we often act differently than we are. We play roles. This means that we often do not know our own being or find it difficult to access it. And it has the consequence that we do not (any longer) know ourselves and are no longer connected to the preciousness of who we really are.  


The outside retreat - the nature within you  is an invitation to you to become more aware of these learned patterns of thought and behavior and to gradually rediscover your inner core, your inner preciousness. Nature accepts us as we are. She loves us unconditionally. She doesn't ask anything from us. It reflects us in what we really are and it gives us a response to our questions and longings.

If that appeals to you and you long for loving attention and a space free of judgment, then you have come to the right place. A space where you can just be who or who you are. A room where you will find clarity and tools to help you master the next chapter of your life.  

Older woman looking happy.png

More about the retreat:

The medicine wheel in the tradition of the School of Lost Border creates the framework for this retreat. It can make us aware of difficulties and blockages as well as beneficial aspects of a situation. Beg ründet of primitive peoples for thousands of years old knowledge, helps us the medicine to recognize where something is out of balance and how we can restore the balance.  

My work is shaped by the wisdom of Cambra Skade: "What is, may be - what may be, changes." It is an appreciative attitude towards the different facets of people and their desire for development and transformation. It is very important to me to create an atmosphere in which you can open yourself to matters of the heart and your fears.  

I also see nature as a house of God. For me God lives, or call it existence or the whole, also in the forest. In every plant, in the wind, in the clouds. The connection to God, as well as the respect and appreciation of him, as well as a deep compassion for others and ourselves is what helps us on this journey of inner transformation.


Does that speak to you? Then be there. One click is enough. Not sure? Then call me: 0152 23474177.

Was auf dich wartet:

☆ Nahegelegene Wälder und ein wunderschöner See, die dein Herz und deine Seele  nähren

☆ Gleichgesinnte, denen die Natur genauso am Herzen liegt wie dir

☆ Einfachheit und die Wohltat des 'back to basics' Erlebnisses

Übungen & Tools für zuhause, die dir auch zurück in deinem Alltag helfen werden

☆ Verbessertes Wohlbefinden; fördert nachweislich deine Gesundheit

Der Aufenthalt in der Natur über drei Tage erhöht die Anzahl und die Aktivität  der  natürlichen Killerzellen im Blut um mehr als 50%. Das hat Waldforscher Qing Li nachgewiesen.

☆ Nach einem kleinen Urlaub in einem Waldgebiet von 2 bis 3 Tagen bleibt die Anzahl der natürlichen Killerzellen sogar noch dreißig Tage lang erhöht. 

Die Natur als Brücke zu unserer Göttlichkeit

The bridge

Our retreats should help you to make the bridge from the outside to the inside, the divine in you, passable. This is about your personal transformation, not about putting on a band-aid.  

My understanding of transformation is based on three pillars: Somatic, Relational, Spiritual. This is English. In English: Somatic means working with body sensations instead of just looking at a problem cognitively. Relational means in relation to others. Spiritual stands for the connection to the big picture, to God, for meditation and the spiritual reconnection to yourself, to your essence. 

Venue, accommodation and meals

The retreat takes place in the scout center Fly Oaks, Wipper leads in the Oberbergischer Kreis. There we have a large tent field with a large fireplace and seating. During our time together  we'll be outside as much as possible. Roofing in bad weather is provided. And in an emergency there is also a room in the scout home available to us.  

Fly oak is in a quiet location, close to the edge of the forest and not far from a beautiful lake, the Neyetalsperre.  


Overnight in your own tent.  For food, simple and healthy,  vegetarian  eat  taken care of. Please let us know if you have any allergies or intolerances. We are flexible and are happy to adapt to your needs.

What to bring with you

Tent, mat and sleeping bag, good hiking shoes and waterproof seat pads, warm, weatherproof clothes, rain gear and a daypack are the basics you will need. We will send you an exact packing list after booking or in advance on request. You can also download the packing list here.

Please note

The inner work starts where you are right now. That is very different from individual to individual. Participation in this seminar does not guarantee measurable results or the achievement of certain stages of development.


If you are not sure or if you have any questions, please give me a call. You can reach me by phone on 0152 23474177. I can also be reached via WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram. I look forward to hearing from you.

Registration deadline  

Please register no later than 3 days before the start of the retreat.  


The normal Storo conditions will be overwritten if the retreat is canceled due to COVID-19. In this case you will get all your money back.

The conditions beyond that are as follows: Up to three months before the start of the retreat, € 10  Processing fee will be charged, you will be reimbursed the full seminar price. If you withdraw less than one month before the start of the retreat, up to 50% of the seminar price will be charged. In the event of cancellation less than a week before the start of the program, the full seminar price plus additional costs for accommodation and meals must be paid. In the event of premature termination (e.g. as a result of a personal decision or illness, etc.), no reimbursement will be made either.

Disclaimer: Our events are about meditation and self-exploration, i.e. personal growth, and about the connection to and the respectful encounter with nature. This work is aimed at healthy people and does not replace therapy.

Storno Bedingungen
Das Medizinrad nutzen wir in unseren Natur Retreats

The power of nature

Mother nature is our medicine

The power of nature helps us to get in touch with the inside of our being. In everyday life we all too often lose this connection. The soul of nature reflects our soul deep inside, if we are receptive to it. We get the chance to recognize and develop our own inner nature.

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